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since 1998

gets rolling with an avalanche of
blood-pumpers, heart-thumpers,
and myriad of multi-sensory stimuli.

  • Absolute presence of every learner
  • Exhaustive buy-in across the cognitive, emotional, and spiritual
  • Dynamic leverage on needs,
    values, and belief triggers

In a flurry of comments, questions, and reflections, SHARING whisks participants towards peaks of understanding.
  • Elevated situational clarity for the individual and the collective
  • The wisdoms of shared enlightenment
  • Unfiltered group intimacy and integration

From the heights of mindfulness,
DEBRIEFING swiftly snowballs insights into transformation.
  • Guided breakdown and build-up
    of raw information
  • Deep learning mined from within
  • Pristine synthesis of key takeaways and learning messages

Learning is crystallized into the everyday, by TRANSITIONING
the experience into the workplace.
  • Actionable blueprints for change implementation
  • Across-the-board commitment
  • Demonstrable behavioral change
    on the job and in life
and then the process begins again...

Transformation is what we are all about.
It's learner driven, set in motion
by pull content.
The art of Possible.


Opera Maximum Security Prison

Infinity pioneered a pro bono project to empower inmates to increase
self-awareness, confidence and direction before re-entering society.
The program continues to grow today targeting recidivism reduction in
the criminal justice system (70% of ex-prisoners are re-incarcerated within
36 months of their release).

Aerospace and Defense

Faculty of the European Network for Aerospace and Defense Management (NAME)*. Jurisdiction over the design, marketing and delivery of a three-tiered curriculum on strategic leadership. The framework provided a shared, business-specific learning platform for more than a decade.
* BAE Systems, EADS, Airbus, MBDA, AgustaWestland, SAAB, Leonardo-Finmeccanica, Fokker, Eurofighter, Thales, Eurocopter.

About Pharma Digital Awards: the winner

Hammering hearts and sweating palms on stage. Infinity and Gilead win.
With the Visionaires learning project, oncology doctors' daily challenges come to life for reps thanks to the mesh of VR technology and empathy.
Read more…

Cicatrici (Scars)

Alex and Marcello, two city boys, have just one dream: to be respected.
Every scar on their body is a trophy, to show proudly. On their city travels,
they encounter an old man, with a lot of precious scars.

Alex and Marcello, two city boys, have just
one dream: to be respected. Every scar
on their body is a trophy, to show proudly.
On their city travels, they encounter
an old man, with a lot of precious scars.

David di Donatello Award

Cicatrici (Scars) obtained the nomination for Best Short Film category of the David di Donatello prize in 2009, the highest recognition for excellence in cinematic performance and production.

Dare to Change

This Guided Learning Journey is about change.
Crafted around TV show concepts, this course was designed to make
learning exciting and to fight online boredom.

This Guided Learning Journey is about change.
Crafted around TV show concepts, this course
was designed to make learning exciting and
to fight online boredom.

Brandon Hall Excellence Award

Dare to Change ‘Guided Learning Journey’ won the coveted Brandon Hall Bronze Award for Best Learning Program Supporting a Change Transformation Business Strategy in 2016.

Positive Mindset

Emotions, reasons, values and growth: Work-lives experiences

Zwang embodies the pressures faced by project managers such as time limitations, resource constraints and stakeholder expectations. It teaches them to run successful projects beyond the initial burst of enthusiasm.

ZWANG | Project Management

How to get things done. A path away from atrophied emotions.
An actionable playground to get moving. A willpower double-down to stay focused. That’s K2. And it's all #happening_now

K2 | Courage

Magnify individual awareness, reduce bias and discriminatory behavior at a collective level


It is a game. A learning experience.
A journey of discovery. It’s responsibility for an outcome, not just a set of tasks.
It’s taking initiative with thoughtful, strategic follow-through.
Accountability is, first of all, a mindset.

Fuego | Accountability

The much needed skills of the future: agility, ruthless focus, unorthodoxy & mindfulness. Explore the multiverse and find new ways to apply critical thinking, improve self-confidence, create psycological safety and mindset of instant excellence.

SHURIKEN | Ninja Training

A high touch, customizable, scalable, self-renewal experience. It's designed to help talents in need of navigating change to get a grip and turn their life around. Upgrade productivity and presence. Exercise control over what and how to think.

UP | Self-Renewal

A Platform for captivating stories and self-branding. A supportive space to express and connect. The power of the craft for both the teller and the listener. We are one.

TANGO | Storytelling

Preventing and dealing with conflicts,
disagreements, personality irks, power
struggles, trust issues, bullies.
Experiential learning in dispute
resolution, arbitration, negotiation,

RED | Making Sense of Conflict

Thrive on uncertainty. Manage
ambiguity. Lead across generations
and in transitional environments.
A surprising experience of mental
rejuvenation to cope with continuous
change and trend shifts.

FUTURAMA | Complexity

The riches of a role and responsibility
workshop made alive. The experience
of becoming a transformational agent
in the workplace. Reassess everyday
behaviors, deliverables, commitment
and self branding.

QUANTICO | Accountability Agents

Mindset shift to exploit every
opportunity and streamline tasks.
The reasons for caring and sharing.
An insane experience to bring out the
best of nearly everyone.

POLARIS | Positive Thinking

A time detergent to clean up habits,
discover meaning and reduce
stress-related symptoms.
The myth of work-life balance.
A zillion ways to make time shine.

BIT | Trouble with Time

Defend your brand. Ground-breaking
experience that challenges mindsets
on sales and competitive landscape.
Learning occurs in real-life situations
immersed in a creative framework.

TROY | Conquer in Retail

The power of informal influence.
How to give life to ideas, advocate them and make the difference.
Alliances, lobbying and crackerjack presentations.

VENTURA 805 | Entrepreneurship

How to build trust, maintain it,
recover it. The universal basis for individual survival and organizational engagement.


How to make use of energy drivers to
magnetize yourself and everyone around you.
The ability to make positive choices.
Build self confidence, access
opportunities. Who needs a manager?

SHA-ZAM! | Self-Empowerment

Refine brainpower. Calibrate social
interactions. Leverage learning styles
to the company's advantage.
Adaptive and flexible leadership
exerted through action. A must.

MINDFRAME | Multiple Intelligence

Ideation process and creative thinking
applied to individuals, groups and
Match multiple demands and gain
advantage in adverse circumstances.

GLAMOUR | Creative Breakthroughs

Master Self Leadership before leading
others. A progression, different with
each individual, that hinges on
trustworthy behaviors.
Vision. Rules of engagement and
directions on how to achieve goals.

IMPERIUM | Decent Leadership

Leverage uniqueness.
Empowering everyday people and
transform them into the most kick-ass
versions of themselves.

ENCANTO | Talent Buildup

Manage emotions and apply them to
tasks. Overcome performance
inhibitors. Self Change.
No matter how smart you are if your
emotional abilities are not in hand you
are not going very far.

PREVAIL | Emotional Intelligence

Disarm mindtraps and activate
propellers to unzip full potential and find purpose.
Enable healthy persons to make their
work-lives even better.

ACTUALIZER | Self-Actualization

Mental representations and
meaning-making anchors.
Using self to make sense and to make
choices. Self-regulatory tools to plan
the future.

GATEWAY | Self Awareness

Openness and Feedback. Team norms. Shared agreements.
Get along with team members and get
things back on track.

THUNDERSTORM | Team Essentials

Trademarks' Geometry

Infinity Trademarks are all-encompassing experiences that address
mindsets and act as a precursor to skill-building

Infinity Trademarks are all-encompassing experiences
that address mindsets and act as a precursor to skill-building

Infinity Trademarks are all-encompassing
experiences that address mindsets and act
as a precursor to skill-building

Training Topics





Personality Inventories.
Team Profiling. Talent Assessment.
Easy to read, highly predictive, not sticking rigidly
to self-created dogma.



Aka Six Pack. Aka Managerial Fitness Program.
Aka Individual Coaching.
Individualized work to develop leadership potential
and skill-specific proficiency.

Aka Six Pack. Aka Managerial Fitness Program.
Aka Individual Coaching. Individualized work to develop leadership potential and skill-specific proficiency.

Timeless Enablers

Timeless Enablers

Foundation skills to get work done.
Project management. Public speaking. Facilitation.
Negotiation. Feedback. Problem solving.
Decision making. Meeting management.
Creative writing. You need it, we got it.



Bitesize learning for behavioral shifts.
Resources for people on a tight schedule.

Consciousness Engineering

Consciousness Engineering

Motivation by pizza doesn’t work.
Get people to like their job and their workplace tapping into
intrinsic motivation. Build on strengths, develop skills,
discover meaning. Incorporate values in job characteristics.
Happiness at work.

Motivation by pizza doesn’t work.
Get people to like their job and their workplace tapping into intrinsic motivation. Build on strengths, develop skills,
discover meaning. Incorporate values in job characteristics. Happiness at work.

Motivation by pizza doesn’t work.
Get people to like their job and their workplace tapping into intrinsic motivation. Build on strengths, develop skills, discover meaning. Incorporate values in job characteristics.
Happiness at work.

Creativity and Prototyping

Creativity and Prototyping

Getting creative with problem solving and testing strategy.
Transform insights into business intelligence.
Evaluate the full spectrum of user experience,
fill gaps with new ideas, earn big kudos.

Getting creative with problem solving and testing strategy. Transform insights into business intelligence.
Evaluate the full spectrum of user experience,
fill gaps with new ideas, earn big kudos.



Find a method to the madness. Structure within Chaos.
Consider all of the obstacles that come along with transformation challenges.
Coping. Promoting. Handling resistance.
Fear not, we have your back.

Find a method to the madness. Structure within Chaos. Consider all of the obstacles that come along with transformation challenges.
Coping. Promoting. Handling resistance.
Fear not, we have your back.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Can you read people? Can you master the moment?
Learn to be an emotional thermostat and dial into
a more empathic, inclusive, community.

Can you read people?
Can you master the moment?
Learn to be an emotional thermostat and dial
into a more empathic, inclusive, community.

Stress & Time

Stress & Time

Crazy deadlines, cranky boss or mind-numbing commute.
Take charge of your thoughts, your schedule,
your environment, and the way you deal with problems.

Crazy deadlines, cranky boss or mind-numbing commute. Take charge of your thoughts, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems.


Infinity stands for good

Taste our flavors

What really matters

We all want to matter,
to make a difference,
to care about our work and the lives it touches.
You know this as an individual.
We live this as a Company.

We all want to matter,
to make a difference,
to care about our work and the lives it touches.
You know this as an individual.
We live this as a Company.


We build our curriculum on a foundation of kindness and love.
We build our business on the human search for meaning.

We build our curriculum on a foundation of kindness and love.
We build our business on the human search for meaning.


We go in places where the self is suppressed
and we give people the space and validation to be who they are.

We go in places where the self is suppressed
and we give people the space and validation to be who they are.


We use words, concepts and imagination
to shake up static thinking and stoke the embers of possibility.

We use words, concepts and imagination
to shake up static thinking and stoke the embers of possibility.


Our purpose is to help people unveil theirs.
Pushing the boundaries of what corporate learning can do
and should do

Our purpose is to help people unveil theirs.
Pushing the boundaries of what corporate learning
can do and should do

Infinity is...

The invisible treasure chest you always wanted
and you never had